I was reading a great book the other day, and it got me thinking. The authors interpretation of how Jesus interacted with the Disiples after his resurection really intreged me. He pointed out how Jesus told the disiples to look at his feet, which was kinda showing that ghost don't have feet so Jesus couldn't be a ghost. But what really made a wheel turn inside was when the author wrote about and took directly from the bible Jesus and thomas' interactions. How thomas needed to feel the wounds to believe, how he need to touch to understand, and how Jesus was like go ahead, touch it thomas, its ok, feel my scars for you.
Literally not ten minutes afte that i was on the phone with one of my dearest friends. I called her up with a question, the question was really stuck in my head, and although I feel as though I have asked before. This friend had touched my scars, I know that doesn't seem like a big deal, but it was for me. I used to be a cutter, and it was just a little while after my cutting that she had felt them. She had come to visit me and I was afriad...which sounds weird but I sort of struggled with the fact of her actually loving me in person (we chatted on the phone for the most part). I remember watching her on the other side of the couch but still afriad to speak, which made her crack jokes and try to get me to say something. and then she asked to see them, man my stomach turned, I was afriad, if I showed them they were real, I was the thomas of this story, i doubted myself and doubted the power of love, I reluctantly raised my hoodie and she gentlelymoved her hand up and down the fresh cuts that were scaring up. Going back to the fact that I called her after reading (man I sidetrack) I asked her why? why did she ask to se them and then touch them? my mind was trying tot wrap around it all. She explained to show I was still worthyof love despite my scars. Thats my wording on it not hers... i like despite my scars, i think she said even with my scars.
my arm still has scars, but despite them I am moving foreward. even with them i am moving foreward. Just as jesus scars showed all that He wwent through to save us, my scars so my battle to find something to defeat evil, i am in no way comparing ym little marks on my arm to the greatest sacrific in the sense that its that important...I am just saying that my scars are a living testimony to what i have been through and how i got towhere i am. Scars all tell stories.
aaawww finny-chan... *hug* I have scars too...no one can see them though... Maybe thats why no one thinks I need help....