Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I listen to yet again another person mention how church is not ment for those who are perfect but for them whom are imperfect. It makes me wonder. I think first about how Jesus would look at most churches, but I know that is not a spot I desire to dig in because clearly I cannot throw the first stone, I must walk away from that. The second thing I think about is why? Why Jesus came for the imperfect yet we try so hard to be perfect? Why it is so hard for us to admit that we have imperfections? Or why is it so easy for us to notice the imperfections but so hard for us to understand grace and mercy and forgiveness?

I talk to quite a number of people, a lot of whom trust me with some of their hard struggles. I hear about struggles and burdens that blow my mind away. I think of my past struggles even my present ones and it sometimes boggles me. Like sometimes I just cry out, just wonder Oh God of Jacob where are you? What a mark that sin has left on all of us, what a need for a savior.

I think it takes time for us to realize how much we need a savior though, and I also believe its not something that you can just tell someone and by you telling they change (Gods gotta work in them). But I guess everything takes time, takes work, takes understanding.

As this week for me has beena week of trials and tribulations, a time to really seek Him whole heartly, to ask for wisedom and guidance, to reflect on that horribly beautiful cross, and the amazement and wonder of the empty tomb! It gets my stomach turning, I question how someone could endure so much for me, how could God love me that much, how could Jesus care that much that He was willing to suffer for me, to understand my pain and everyone elses, to take on the sin I try so hard to cover. I think about when I get a bruise and some pains, like when I sprained my hand, how much I was in pain, I couldn't handle the cross, I would run scared. But then oh that tomb, where everything I have done wrong was really made right, want to speak miracles and about that tomb. Talk about how my savior conqured it all. How He defeated death, the strongest sin in life, how He didn't boast about it either, how He humbly defeated it, just for us, just for me. As I type that I get shivers.

God didn't come for the perfect and Jesus' life proved that. Jesus' friends were sinners, that admitted that were sinners and turned there lifes around to follow Him. Jesus doesn't expect you to be perfect, and thats one of my favorite parts of this amazing relationship. I can mess up as many times as I need but as long as I turn my focus to God eachtime its ok, its fine. No matter what I do God will never stop loving me, no matter what you have done/do or plan on doing God doesn't stop loving you. You can't earn that by doing good. Its given to the untouchables no questions asked. I believe Gods love is a greater thing to have then all the fame, than alll the riches, then anything in this world. Gods grace can not be earned either, its just there. Along with mercy. Those two are incredible. Nothing I did could allow me Gods good grace and despite anything I do Gods mercy covers it all. What an amzing God we have, what an amazing Father, Oh how He loves.

1 comment:

  1. I am one who has at one time or another been branded an outcast, by myself or by others. Once I was an object of wrath. I, too, shivered as I read your words on His victory. Every day is a battle, every day He is victorious. Thank you for sharing His love.
