Saturday, December 28, 2019

Remember December

Sometimes the holiday season 
Leaves a sour taste in my mind
Like a war head, so bitter
My brain plays tricks on me
Flashbacks grip at my shirt
And cling to my soul
But still I stand back up
Listen for the sound of the drum
And I continue
To have hope
Of something more
Something brighter
I reflect on how I used to shrug it all away
With a twisted face and quiet words
“Christmas just doesn’t work out for me”
This year emotions mixed hard
Like rocks grinding in a polisher
With every rough hit
There was a subtle smooth spot
I sat in a church
Staring at a cross
Reflecting and feeling everything move
Memories of good and bad
How much of my life happened 
Around tradition and religion
Yet there’s something about
Kneeling at a pew
That has always made me wonder
what love really means and 
Why sacrifice is related to it so often
The beauty in the story of a savior
And even at birth people giving their all
The wisemen and Shepards come in
But my favorite has always been
That little drummer boy
What a gift to play a beat that begins 
The March of a life here to save us all
I close my eyes to hear the tempo
To sink back into reality
I feel the pew against my back
Hear the bells of the kids
As joy to the world plays
And I think about my joys in life
Does Christmas really not work out?
Cause I come home each day
And I have some much
Maybe Christmas is more
Than presents and quick words
From rough relatives
Christmas is a rough time for me still
But I refuse to toss it all away
Because despite the pain
I can make more powerful 
Memories of joy and love

Presently stuck in the past

Paralyzed by emotions
Which is ironic
Because they pound through 
Swift like an undertow
I choke down the tears
Trying desperately 
To ensure I show no fear
Sometimes words aren’t right
Like nothing could describe
The turmoil and muck
That churns my stomach
And unsteadies my heart
Breathing slowly
Rhythmic pattern
In hopes to ground
Shaking my head
And presenting with
A sour smile
The bitterness of memories
Dance on my tongue
And burn my senses
Blinding the current
Getting swept in the chaos
But pleading within
To not let me go there
Not again