Tuesday, April 14, 2020


When I say you are beautiful
I mean that you move me
Like a pebble tumbling through the sea
You capture my attention
Like ivy crawling up a cobblestone cottage
I dream of the intertwining of limbs
When I say you are stunning
I mean like a flash of lightening
Over a valley on a crisp spring evening 
Your edges so fierce and powerful
Set apart from the background of our sheets
When I say you are sweet
I mean like a field of flowers 
On a cool summer day
Your breath breezes my neck 
And I’m lost in your scent 
When I say you are lovely
I mean your eyes are like embers
Glistening and glowing
Sparking and crackling the fire that dances from the way you smile 
When I say you are delightful
I mean I am lost and found at the same time
Like a waterfall your love surges up 
And pours over me like I’m the bank edges below
When I say you are enticing
I mean that all the moments 
That I have experienced that are so pleasant 
Pale in comparison 
I mean that I can’t adequately use my senses
Or any words I know
To explain how you captivate my being
Drawing me in with wonder and joy
You are beautiful, you are sweet
You are stunning, you are lovely
You are enticing, you are delightful

Sunday, March 29, 2020

The mirror isn’t me

Sometimes I can’t get my brain
To fall into place
I try to close my eyes
And slow my heart rate to the pace
Of the sounds pumping in my ears
Desperately pleading internally
To let go of these fears
To rise above it all
To look in the mirror
And fucking get that
It’s truly me
So I blink twice, add a hat
But I’m still not me yet
Bend myself over the sink
Splash some water 
On my face and take a drink
Repeating the date over again
Sometimes it’s hard to explain
How much I fight to be to present
To be able use both body and brain 
Rub my eyes and shake my head 
Try to remove the haze
Trace my hand up my arm
Count the letters in the tattoos
Internal voices rage as I fight
Pleading with myself
“Please just let me be, alright”
I struggle whether to sit or stand
If I sit they surely will win
I feel my fist ball up
But it’s like I’m not there at all
Pain surges as I watch the knuckles bleed
“Was this what you need?”
There’s a laugh
A response echos from my throat
“Didn’t you like it though?”
The fight has removed itself from 
My mind and onto the door
Slamming my head 
Feeling the wood as it hits the pores
I shake, there’s a scream
“Hush now kiddos it’s okay”
Internal ushers move them away
Out of sight, but still in this 
Wretched mind
Peace isn’t something I easily find 
A voice bellows out from the depths
“Enough of this nonsense”
I crack my neck, smooth my shirt
And rise once more
I hear the music again
Blasting through my headphones
I look at the time and move on
There’s too much to do today...